Preparing for the 2023 Holiday Season 🎄

Personal Reflection ☃️

With its hint of winter and shorter days, November brings appreciation for every warm biking day. 🚴‍♀️ I'm grateful and a bit frightened for several 50+ degree days this month and for the opportunity to bike with Joey. 🩷 Author and book opportunities abound this month, and I think of Bob and wish he were here to be my Press Agent. Oh, how he would love this! 📕

News & Achievements 🎉

Radio Interview with Kate Delaney of America Tonight airs on December 5 at 9 pm PST HERE.

Live In The Spotlight Interview with Logan Crawford: Logan Crawford will interview me on January 16 at 1:30 pm CST. More details about the release date and links are to come.

Recent Articles 📝

Stepping Toward, With, and As Grief
November 24, 2023

The Griever and The Witness Are One
November 16, 2023

Press Release!
November 8, 2023

Grief Sucks
November 2, 2023

Upcoming Events & Announcements 📣

Radio Interview with Kate Delaney of America Tonight: I’m excited to announce an interview that I recorded with Kate Delaney this week, which will air on December 5, 2023. America Tonight Radio Show airs from 9 pm to Midnight Pacific Time. Click HERE to listen.

Barnes & Noble Author Event: I have the privilege of spending another afternoon at Barnes & Noble Minneapolis on Saturday, December 16, at 1:00 pm CST (The day after Nicholas’s 24th birthday).

Live In The Spotlight Interview with Logan Crawford: Logan Crawford will interview me on January 16 at 1:30 pm CST. More details about the release date and links are to come.

ICF Wisconsin Chapter: Wednesday, May 8, 2024, I’ll be in Madison, WI, sharing a presentation to my fellow coaches about grief, coaching, and the Enneagram—all based on my book, of course. Thank you, Fran and TC, for making this opportunity happen.

Monthly Recap: I’ve moved my newsletter from Aweber to Squarespace to keep things convenient and straightforward. You can find all my past Newsletters here.

Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey.
Your support and trust mean the world.



Holly Margl is the award-winning author of Witnessing Grief: Inviting Trauma and Loss to Our Coaching Conversations, An Enneagram Perspective. Holly is an ICF Master Certified Coach, an IEA Accredited Professional and an Advanced Certified Mentor Coach specializing in grief, loss, and the Enneagram.

Buy Witnessing Grief

Witnessing Grief: Inviting Trauma and Loss to Our Coaching Conversations,
An Enneagram Perspective
Holly Margl, MCC, IEA Accredited Professional
Published August 30, 2022: The Compassionate Mind Collaborative
ISBN: 978-1737200673; $19.99


1946 St. Clair Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 USA

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024 🎊

Embracing the Autumn Chill 🍂