Contact Holly

Contact Holly for transformative coaching, tailored mentoring, enlightening teaching, or insights into her acclaimed book and the Enneagram.

I have taught medical students and residents and listened to and counseled patients for many years. I realized in reading this marvelous book that if I had had the insights and guidance early on, I would have been more effective in conveying skills and being able to “read the recipient students and/or patients-families.” This book is for health and wellness coaches and teachers, persons in leadership, and, truthfully, parents. The Enneagram adeptly outlines how humans think, act, and behave, and Holly helps unravel its complexity with useful examples and interpretations. All this insight comes through the transformation and insights that Holly has achieved through her journey, which continues through grief. No one ever masters this journey, but Holly has and does give me hope that I will achieve equilibrium with grief personally and professionally.
— Patricia Penovich, MD