
“I am so very thankful Holly came into my world when she did. For the last few years, I have struggled with depression and anxiety. Holly is my calm in the storm. She has an ease about her that I trust and can open up with. I appreciate that she has empathy for my family and home life. My son attempted suicide and should have succeeded, yet by God’s grace; he is still here. I’m in a city that I am miserable living in, yet I’m here to support my husband. I could go on and on, but my point is that I’m so grateful to work with Holly. She encourages me to be me, and I find strength in that. She cheers me on when I make a decision that is difficult yet, one that I need to make. She always asks about the “whole” Brenda, physical, mental, and emotional. She is a rock with enormous ears that I know is there if I ever run into an emotional emergency—knowing that gives me strength.

In a short phase. Holly Rocks! I plan to continue to work with her as I grow stronger and always be true to myself.”
—Brenda M.

“During covid, I had a tough time, and with the help of Holly, I was able to understand and feel comfort in knowing I was not alone. I needed to deal with so much fear and depression, and Holly helped me turn it into positive thinking. I don’t know how I would have gotten through that without her.

I always look forward to sharing more with Holly to deal with the ups and downs of work-life balance and life. This past January marked 11 years since I lost my daughter, and Holly helped me through this sad time by listening and helping me to keep moving.”
—Mary D.

“Holly provides a safe place to expand my self-awareness in a non-judgmental environment. Her coaching is helping me gain perspective and increase my engagement and commitment to working toward my goals. In addition, I enjoy learning about myself and my place in the world. 

I appreciate Holly challenging me, pointing out my patterns, and providing me with tools to improve on areas of my personality that I’m unsatisfied with. Thanks to Holly, I’ve seen myself and my place in the world in a new light. I feel like I’m on this incredible journey that isn’t always smooth riding, but I trust Holly and myself because she believes in me. 

Holly understands me, and I feel comfortable sharing and exposing my vulnerability to her. Holly respects me and lets me be my own expert. I appreciate Holly’s level of engagement, empathy,  encouragement as well as trusting me. Holly is my teacher and my Jedi. She influences and inspires me profoundly. Coaching has helped me with work-related stress management, sleep, negative self-talk, my rumination tendencies, being mindful, and identifying my patterns that are setting me back, just to name a few areas. 

Working with Holly has dramatically changed my personal and professional life, and I couldn’t be more grateful for it. I always look forward to my next session with anticipation.”
—Kate M.

“For me, Holly’s coaching was my salvation. A few months after being vaccinated for Covid, I was diagnosed with an immune system cancer that included immunotherapy in conjunction with chemo and radiation. Unfortunately, this diagnosis bought me another two-ish years of isolation. Not only was Holly there to listen, but she helped me craft tools (and enhanced my work) as I examined my new and pre-existing abandonment and trauma issues that came into play as I recovered.

Holly’s coaching is healing and provided comfort, direction, and hope during some very, very dark days.”
—Wendy S

“Holly has been an invaluable resource for me, and I wanted to share how much she’s impacted my life.

Every time I get off the phone with Holly, I’m incredibly grateful that I decided to try coaching. I wasn’t sure how helpful coaching could be, but as it turns out, it makes a huge difference! Holly always provides a safe and welcoming space for me to share my feelings - free of judgment - and offers helpful insights that have empowered me to make positive changes in my life. With Holly’s help, I’ve been able to deconstruct unhelpful thought patterns and analyze how my negative thinking often inhibits me from achieving my goals. I’ve seen great strides in my attitude since talking with Holly, and I always look forward to our phone calls. Holly helps me see things more positively and invites me to give myself more grace. Holly’s made an enormous difference in my life, and I’m so glad I started coaching with her because I’m all the better for it. I can’t recommend Holly enough.”
—Sam B

“I started my coaching journey with Holly in January of 2022. It ended up being one of the biggest stress relievers I  didn’t know I needed. 

Holly is calm and inviting. She lets me lead the calls and listens intently. She asks follow-up questions and remains engaged for the duration. Because of our calls, I feel calm and peaceful. I feel organized and focused.

Holly helps me through so many family and personal issues and stressors. She has gone above and beyond to assist me and my family. At one time, my wife was really struggling, and I reached out to Holly and explained the situation; she took the reins and offered all her support. The extra mile she goes should be an example to other coaches and be included in coach training.  

I have been down on myself over the past years, and Holly has helped me work through issues and struggles I didn’t even know I had. Whether it be abandonment issues from family, short and long-term struggles with my spouse, daily life with my children, money problems, health patterns, or work irritations, Holly has been willing to provide solid insights, comfort, support, and just an ear to listen when I  need one.  

Holly, thank you for everything you do. I know you coach several people, and I am happy to be one of those individuals. I look forward to our appointments and improving my life because of them. You help make positive changes in the lives of people who need it. I can’t thank you enough.”
—Jacob E

“A year ago, I had a significant life change. My soulmate and partner succumbed to cancer. I was left alone, dealing with a lot of unwanted change. Coincidentally, that’s when I found Holly Margl. It was the hand of fate. Her experience in the area I now needed coaching was a perfect fit. 

I value our sessions, and they are essential to my grieving process. I rely on our sessions to provide balance and keep me accountable. My calls with Holly are an outlet to challenge myself and a compassionate reminder that I am still on a grief journey.”
—Chris C

“I want to share how much I appreciate my coach, Holly. I recently moved to a new appointment - ministers are appointed to serve churches and often do not have a say when they leave a church to go to another. Holly has been one of the few strongholds in my life throughout this transition. I favored leaving my last appointment, but that does not mean the change has been 100%  smooth. All life transitions carry grief with them—even when I wanted to move, I realized that I also had to grieve the church I had been at.

As clergy, we are also asked not to have contact with the previous church once we leave. Holly has been a source of stability and "sameness" in this transition. I have also been able to talk confidentially to Holly and to have a sounding board for many issues such as a problematic committee member, eating healthy, grief, advice to help a church member, personal life issues, etc. 

I am a single female in the ministry, and my job can be isolating. Holly is a solid sounding board when I need someone to talk to. I greatly appreciate her coaching because health is the whole person, not just exercise or eating right, but mental and spiritual wellbeing. Coaching with Holly has helped me substantially throughout the last year, particularly through this most recent church appointment transition.”
—Meredith D.

“I began working with Holly when I needed mental health support. Her coaching has been instrumental in my life; Holly is phenomenal! She makes me feel heard and valued. While I hope all coaches are as compassionate, caring, kind, encouraging, and informative as Holly, I can attest to how beneficial coaching is because of who she is. Sometimes I just need to vent, but when insight is necessary, Holly always helps me to take a step back and look at things from a new perspective which helps immensely. I hope Holly feels as valuable as she makes me feel.”
—Meagan A