From Criticism to Curiosity

The inner critic seems to be speaking loudly for many right now (or people are just telling me about it). So, for those of you hearing unkind messages from and about yourself, I offer a question:

How can you transform self-criticism into curiosity?

For example, for someone with an intention to eat fewer sweets this time of year yet finds it hard to resist the peanut blossoms, rather than the usual, "Why do you keep trying; you fail every time." You might try asking yourself, "How is criticizing myself helpful?" Or, "Where's the disconnect between intention and action?" Or, "What benefit do I get out of sabotaging myself?" Or even, "What would happen if I allowed myself to eat ALL the peanut blossoms?"

So, how can you find out what might happen if you turn criticism into curiosity?

Holly Margl is the award-winning author of Witnessing Grief; Inviting Trauma and Loss to Our Coaching Conversations, An Enneagram Perspective, coach, coach mentor, and trainer specializing in grief, trauma, and the Enneagram.


Interview with Kate Delaney of America Tonight

Stepping Toward, With, and As Grief