Welcome, June 😎

Personal Reflection 📝

I was fortunate to be under one roof celebrating Mother's Day with four generations this May. For the brunch we all created, I made a guava cake for the first time, to which I declared, "It's not pink enough!" Though Nils seemed in wonder of its sparkliness and enjoyed slicing through it several times, practicing his cake carving skills. 🍰 It turned out to be a uniquely tasty treat among many. I hope all you moms out there also enjoyed your Mother's Day. 💐


Check out that mullet!


In May, I traveled to Sun Prairie, WI, to meet with TC and Kristin of ICF WI and the other coaches eager to talk about Witnessing Grief. What a strange experience meeting people in person that I had only known via Zoom! It was a privilege to speak with other passionate and knowledgeable coaches, and I look forward to nourishing the friendships gained. Boundless thanks to all who made it possible. 💚


Sun Prairie, WI on May 8 with ICF Wisconsin coaches


And, in big news, my cousin Jeanne has finally ordered a gravel bike for our 500-mile summer expedition! Though she hadn't yet when I was in Sun Prairie, visiting seemed to light a fire under her, 😉 and she found one a week or two later. Our planning and preparation are now earnestly underway, and all the saved websites have turned into product orders I eagerly await.

Soon, I'll begin posting on the Instagram page that Jeanne and I created (@MWCyclingCousins) for those who want to follow along in our adventure planning and execution. Our maiden voyage guarantees mishaps and excitement as we embark on something epic and memorable.

Nils joined me on a ride in his Burley this year to aid in my training, with more to come. He puts on his helmet excitedly and urges me to get the Burley out of the house. He doesn't quite understand that he has to wait to climb in until it's outside, so tears often arrive before he realizes his Burley is not leaving without him. 🤣 Last Friday, rain thwarted our riding fun, but upon much urging, we walked with the Burley (no helmet required) despite the rain, which, of course, didn't bother Nils in his mobile cocoon. Soon, I'll take to the pool after several years away for Nils' first swimming lessons! I'm excited to return to the (91°) water with Nils as he learns to get comfortable in the water this summer. 🏊🏼‍♀️


Patiently watching for the rain to stop


How many of you heard "go outside and play" as children? Sadly, that may have been a more popular adage when the world seemed safer and technology wasn't conveniently and constantly distracting young children (and adults). After realizing the past four years have been spent on projects that kept me holed up in my office, some of which brought regrets of time wasted, I'm ready to get back outside and move more. So, my summer cycling trip with Jeanne aligns more suitably with what's important to me: nature, exertion, freedom, and family. And, after a long holiday weekend and 150 miles on my bike, I'm grateful to have more than a month to prepare because I'm entirely wiped out!

Recent Articles 📝

May 31, 2024

A Mother’s Burden and Privilege
May 23, 2024

May 16, 2024

May 9, 2024

Life Goes On
May 2, 2024

Upcoming Events & Announcements 📣

Epic MRT bike tour with Jeanne! 🚴‍♀️
July 2024


Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey.
Your support and trust mean the world.


Holly Margl is the award-winning author of Witnessing Grief: Inviting Trauma and Loss to Our Coaching Conversations, An Enneagram Perspective. Holly is an ICF Master Certified Coach, an IEA Accredited Professional and an Advanced Certified Mentor Coach specializing in grief, loss, and the Enneagram.

Witnessing Grief: Inviting Trauma and Loss to Our Coaching Conversations,
An Enneagram Perspective
Holly Margl, MCC, IEA Accredited Professional
Published August 30, 2022: The Compassionate Mind Collaborative
ISBN: 978-1737200673; $19.99


1946 St. Clair Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 USA

MRT, Here We Come! 🚴‍♀️

🌷 April Showers Bring May Flowers 🌻