Holly Margl, MCC

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Time's Translucence

"This [second] year has been more difficult; in a way, my mind is still adjusting to the new reality as she is as alive now as she was before. And time doesn't exist, even though more than a year has gone by. My memories of her, especially the last time I saw her, are in my mind as if that happened not long ago, as fresh as it happened a few days ago. It is strange that time doesn't exist in the same way when thinking of our loved ones who transition to a different realm."

The above is a quote by one of my clients who tragically lost his daughter in December 2022. In it, he eloquently describes time's translucence after losing a child. 🩵 Thank you, J.R., for allowing me to share it.

Holly Margl is the award-winning author of Witnessing Grief; Inviting Trauma and Loss to Our Coaching Conversations, An Enneagram Perspective, coach, coach mentor, and trainer specializing in grief, trauma, and the Enneagram.

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