Holly Margl, MCC

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Embracing the Autumn Chill πŸ‚

Personal Reflection

October, with its impressive colors and introspective ambiance, has always been a time of reflection for me. And as we gather warmth from the diminishing days, it's a chance to contemplate on both personal and professional achievements and the paths that lie ahead.

Recent Articles

"The Scream"

October 5, 2023

"The Centers of Intelligence in Daily Life"

October 12, 2023

"Why the Enneagram?"

October 19, 2023

β€œWhat Does It Take To Forgive?”

October 27, 2023

Upcoming Events & Announcements

Wikipedia Page: I'm delighted to share that I'm awaiting the completion and approval of my Wikipedia page, a testament to our shared journey and the impact of our conversations on grief and the Enneagram.

Enneagram Study: A significant decision lies ahead - whether to invest in another year-long Enneagram study course. Your insights, experiences, and recommendations are most welcome as I contemplate this.

A New Member on the Team: I’m pleased to announce that someone has joined the Witnessing Grief Team, but I’m going to tell his(or hers?) name later.

Newsletter Migration: To keep things nice and simple, I’ve moved the Newsletter from Aweber to Squarespace. You can find all my past Newsletters here.

News & Achievements

Reader's Digest Feature: My recent article, "Navigating Grief, Trauma, and Transformation through Coaching and the Enneagram," is now available on Readers Digest. Do give it a read!

Subscribe to Holly's monthly Newsletter for updates, resources, personal stories, recent articles, classes, highlights, and events.

🍁 Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey. Your support and trust mean the world. 🍁

PS: About the new member that I announced. Tudor has joined the team and will help me improve my overall presence online. So welcome to the team Tudor!

Buy Witnessing Grief

Witnessing Grief: Inviting Trauma and Loss to Our Coaching Conversations, An Enneagram Perspective

Holly Margl, MCC, IEA Accredited Professional, ACMC, NBCHWC, CSCS

Published August 30, 2022, by The Compassionate Mind Collaborative ISBN: 978-1737200673; $19.99

1946 St. Clair Avenue

Saint Paul Minnesota 55105


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